Letra y Significado de RUNNING MAN, Hanson

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Waiting up all night
Something on my mind
I need to tell you why
He's playing you for a fool
He's fooling around on you
And I just lost my cool
Feeling so sane

Too bad for the running man
Cause he waits too long
So he can't come back again
Too bad for the running man
Cause he's right here waiting
To make that girl forget
Too bad for the running man

Life isn't what it seems
It's something in a dream
That's not quite what I mean
I need to say Goodbye
You think I didn't try
I'm not that other guy
I'm feeling so sane?

Too bad for the running man
Cause he waits too long
So he can't come back again
Too bad for the running man
Cause he's right here waiting
To help that girl forget
Too bad for the running man

The Walk...
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