Letra y Significado de CAN I HAVE A KISS?, Kelly Clarkson

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Excuse me for this
I just want a kiss
I just want to know what it feels like to touch
Something so pure
Something I'm so sure of
What it feels like to stand outside your door
I'm unworthy
I can see you're above me
But I can be lovely given the chance

Don't move
I want to remember you just like this
Don't move
It's only a breath or two between our lips

I know why you left
I can't blame you myself
Must be hard living with ghosts and such an empty shell
I tried to warn you
I've been a mess since you've known me
I can't promise forever
But I'm working on it
If I can't hold you
Can I give you a kiss?
Can I have a kiss?

I see that you're torn
I've got some scars of my own
Seems I want what I know is gonna leave me hungry

Don't move
I need to remember you just like this

I know why you left
I can't blame you myself
Must be hard living with ghosts and such an empty shell
I tried to warn you
I've been a mess since you've known me
I can't promise forever
But I’m working on it
If I can't hold you
Can I give you a kiss?
Can I?

All I have
All I can give to you I will
Just promise this
If I can't have forever
Can I have a kiss?

I know why you left
I can't blame you myself
Must be hard living with ghosts and such an empty shell
I tried to warn you
I've been a mess since you've known me
I can't promise forever
But I'm working on it
If I can't hold you
Can I give you a kiss?
Can I give you a kiss?
Can I, can I
Can I have a kiss?
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