Letra y Significado de DISPOSABLE TEENS, Marilyn Manson

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I'm a black rainbow, and i'm an ape of god
i got a face that's made for violence or porn
i'm a teen distortion, survived abortion
a rebel from the waist down
I wanna thank you mom, i wanna thank you dad
for bringing this fucking world to a bitter end
i never really hated the one true god
but the the god of the people i hated
You say you want an evolution?
the ape was a great big hit
you say you a revolution man...
and i say that you're full of shit
We're disposable teens...
we're disposable teens...
we're disposable teens..
we're disposable
you say you want an evolution?
the ape was a great big hit
you say you a revolution man...
and i say that you're full of shit
The more that you fear us
the bigger we get
the more that you fear us
the bigger we get
and don't be surprised
don't be surprised
don't be surprised
if we discover it
You say you want an evolution?
the ape was a great big hit
you say you a revolution man...
and i say that you're full of shit
We're disposable teens...
we're disposable teens...
we're disposable teens..
we're disposable.

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