Letra y Significado de JUNK THE MAGIC DRAGON, Marilyn Manson

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Junk the Magic Dragon
Mellow yellow acid kiss
Warhol painted callio-trips
Spining, spining, spin again
Coke, tar, crystal methane thrill
Cash in dime for a ride
My brain like eggs is cracked and fried
Cash in dime for a ride
My brain like eggs is cracked and fried

Junk the magic dragon
Lives, in my pain
Junk the magic dragon, yeah
Love will always end, it ends in pain


Bones are pulled so tight on skin
Like canvas tent poles or something
I need smiles on my lips
Oh, but it gives incentives

Cash in dime for a ride
My brain like eggs is cracked and fried
Cash in dime for a ride
My stone black jeans look just real fine

Junk the magic dragon
Lives, in my pain
Junk the magic dragon, yeah
Love will always end, it ends in pain
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