Letra y Significado de VICTORY, Megadeth

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

Now, one day i started telling everyone
that "killing is my business..."
and i was hung like a martyr
for "looking down the cross"
my "skull beneath the skin"
prophesied "last rites/loved to death" my friends
then i started seeing "bad omens" in my head
"good mourning/black friday" will i "wake up dead"?
if "i aint superstitious" then this won't mean a thing
but some crazy shit has happened since "the conjuring"
not even close to overdose
had fingers in my eyes, had needles in my veins
a knife right through my heart, i am a victory
Came "anarchy" to "set the world afire"
pain of "hook in mouth", "in my darkest hour"
corruption of the world "peace sells...but nobody's buying"
ignorant religion "holy wars" and the dying
"tornado" nearly got me by the "skin of my teeth"
"this was my life","forclosure of my dreams"
may the past "rust in peace" in "hangar 18"
and "countdown to extinction" just be a bad dream
"lucretia" said
not even close to overdose
had fingers in my eyes, had needles in my veins
a knife right through my heart, i am a victory

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