Letra y Significado de LAST POST ON THE BUGLE, The Libertines

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

If I have to go
I will be thinking of your love
Oh somehow you'll know
You will know
Thinking of your love

Slyly they whispered away
As I played the last post on the bugle
I heard them say
"Oh that boy's no different today
Except in every single way"

If I have to go
I will be thinking of your love
Oh somehow you'll know
just know
Thinking of your love

Oh, I was carried away
Caught up in an affray
as they let him away, he sang
"We'll meet again someday
oh my boy, there's a price to pay"

If I have to go
I will be thinking of your love
Oh somehow you'll know
I don't how but you'll know
I'll be thinking of your love


(Inside I felt
So, so alone
Locked in a room
Waiting til kingdom come
Although I felt elated
I felt like I was scum)

I was carried away
Caught up in an affray
As they let him away, he sang
"We'll meet again some day
Oh my boy, there's a price to pay"

Feels like I've never been away
Though it's been longer than I could possibly say
I've been wandering the market
Carrying a sign, saying the end of...

The world is nigh
I'm glad to see we're still tight
The bonds that tie a man are tight
Yet we do what we do
With ritual habitually
All through the night
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