Letra y Significado de Sweet Home Alabama, Lynyrd Skynyrd

m80radio opina:

Neil Young escribió dos canciones protesta en las que criticaba el estilo de vida del sur, en especial lo referente a la esclavitud, el racismo y la violencia. A Lynyrd Skynyrdno les gustó y compusieron este tema pararendir homenaje a esa región aunque ellos eran de Florida y para contestar a Young diciéndole que hacía mal metiendo en el mismo saco a todos los sureños por unos crímenes que habían cometido unos pocos.

Sweet home alabamalynyrd skynrdbig wheels keep on turning,carry me home to see my kinsinging songs about the southland.i miss ole bamy once again and i think it's a sin.well, i heard mister young sing about her.well, i heard ole neil put her down.well, i hope neil young will remembera southern man don't need him around anyhow. sweet home alabama where the skies are so blue. sweet home alabama, lord, i'm coming home to you.in birmingham they love the gov'nor.now we all did what we could do.now watergate does not bother me.does your conscience bother you, tell the truth. sweet home alabama where the skies are so blue. sweet home alabama, lord, i'm coming home to you.now muscle shoals has got the swampersand they ve been known to pick a song or two.lord, they get me off so much,they pick me up when i'm feeling blue, now how about you. sweet home alabama where the skies are so blue. sweet home alabama, lord, i'm coming home to you. sweet home alabama where the skies are so blue. sweet home alabama, lord, i'm coming home to you.

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