Letra y Significado de Days Of The Week, Stone Temple Pilots

MatiCachj opina:

Esta canción trata sobre la adicción a las drogas en la que estaba sumergido el cantante de la banda, Scott Weiland, y su relación con su segunda esposa, la cual conoció cuando todavia estaba casado. Fue una de las primeras canciones que escribió Weiland después de haber salido de la cárcel, a la que fue por posesión de drogas, y que obligo a la banda a suspender su gira del cuarto disco.

Monday, back from the dead
i'm letting it go, back for another one
Tuesday, shoot me in the head
i'm takin' it back , takin' it back
i'll take it back
Wednesday, she's lookin' for a friend
she'll get what she wants
can't seem to get enough
Thursday, it's more than i can stand
i'm holdin' her down, holdin' her down
she's down again
I gotta find a way to find her
where could she be?
four days of the week
she thinks i'm the enemy
One day, left me for dead
woke up on the floor, time for another one
two days, she's leavin' me again
can't take it no more
out through the open door
three days, she's found herself a friend
she got what she wants
still never get enough
four days she's back with me again
she's pullin' me down, pullin' me down
i'm down again

Monday's gone
tuesday's fadin'
wednesday's gone
thursday's all but wasted now

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