Letra y Significado de Roadhouse Blues, The Doors

anonimo opina:

la grabaron solo en 2 días porque la letra literalmente es una improvisación que representa un grupo de gente que va a una roadhouse a divertirse.

Algunos piensan que está inspirada en una roadhouse ubicada en Topanga Canyon, donde Jim vivía. Era un sitio solo, sin ventanas a donde Jim solía ir a pasar un buen y loco rato.

Para llegar había que atravesar una carretera peligrosa y por eso cree que la canción dice "mantén los ojos en la carretera, tu mano en el volante".

Ah keep your eyes on the road,
your hands upon the wheel.
keep your eyes on the road
your hands upon the wheel.
yeah, we're going to the roadhouse,
gonna have a real good-time.
Yeah, the back of the roadhouse,
they've got some bungalows.
yeah, the back of the roadhouse,
they've got some bungalows.

they dance for the people
who like to go down slow.

let it roll, baby, roll.
let it roll, baby, roll.
let it roll, baby, roll.
let it roll, all night long.

do it, robby, do it!

you gotta roll, roll, roll,
you gotta thrill my soul, alright.
roll, roll, roll, roll-a
thrill my soul.

give up your vows.
give up your vows.
save our city.
save our city.
ah, right now.

well, i woke up this morning
and i got myself a beer.
well, i woke up this morning
and i got myself a beer.

the future's uncertain
and the end is always near.

let it roll, baby, roll.
let it roll, baby, roll.
let it roll, baby, roll.
let it roll, all night long.

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