Letra y Significado de PRINCE, Vanessa Carlton

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

Willing and able to run
i am, willing and able im able to come
i am willing and able to run
i am willing and able im able to come
And if i w8 4 u now
wuld u come
wuld u run
wuld u bring it back around
o baby how
x 2
Willing and able to run
i am, willing and able im able to come
If it all went away
nothin left to say
o wuld u fight it
or wuld u lay down?
At the hand of ur god
could you see the light
o my prince cant u c what's been found?
Willing and able to run
willing and able to come
willing and able to run
i am willing i am willing
willing, willing,
Willing and able to run
i am, willing and able
im able to come
i am willing and able to run
i am, willing and able
im able to come
And if i w8 4 u now
wuld u come
wuld u run
wuld u bring it back around
o baby how
x 2
Willing and able to run
i am, willing and able
im able to come
i am willing and able to run
i am, willing and able
im able to come

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