Letra y Significado de AT LEAST I'M KNOWN FOR SOMETHING, A New Found Glory

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

I'm in and out of conversation
It's hard to keep my attention locked down
So don't take offense to anything I say
I tried so hard to keep you coming back my way
But you don't know the half, and I'm the one to blame for it

Cause I'm best known for failure
Best known for giving up
There's nothing that I can say that can matter,
that can matter enough
Cause I'm best known for failure (hey!)
Best known for giving up (hey!)
There's nothing that I can say that can matter,
that can matter enough

I've figured out my situation
I am an endless source of useless information
Give me bad news could this already been expected
I let my front down
And I know I will regret it
But you don't know the half, and I'm the one to blame for it

Cause I'm best known for failure
Best known for giving up
There's nothing that I can say that can matter,
that can matter enough
Cause I'm best known for failure (hey!)
Best known for giving up (hey!)
There's nothing that I can say that can matter,
that can matter enough

Let's get down to business now
I'm saving myself the trouble in the end
So let's get down to business now
I'm saving myself the trouble in the end
(Saving myself the trouble)
But you don't know the half, and I'm the one to blame for it

(hey!) Cause I'm best known for failure (hey!)
Best known for giving up (hey!)
There's nothing that I can say that can matter

I'm the one to blame for this
Yes I'm the one to blame

Best known for failure
Best known for giving up
There's nothing I can say that can matter
That can matter enough
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