Letra y Significado de DOES YOUR FACE HURT? CUZ IT'S KILLING ME, Amazing Transparent Man

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Another wasted day, another moment slips away
Spent on video games and this guitar that I play
Now I know it's not just me
You say your favorite song is Three

Does your face hurt? Cuz it's killing me

The thought of your hair in my face
A memory I can't erase, I cannot think clearly at all
Pictures of you spring up like weeds
My dandelion spreads its seeds
I cannot see in front of me
At all

And I know it's not the time
For you to hear this stupid rhyme
But I'll play your fool anyways
Now I know it's not just me
You say your favorite song is Three

Does your face hurt? Cuz it's killing me

Hey, your love it pulls me like a
Wait, I never told you how I
Feel, my heart pounding as I'm drowning in your
See, what you've done to me
What you've done to me
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