Letra y Significado de ANYTHING FOR MONEY, Annihilator

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I'd sell my mother and i'd steal from the blind
just to have every last nickel and dime
break-ins and muggings, i'll try to defraud
i'll run up the bill on your credit card
anything for money
i'll sell a secret and betray the land
robbing a friend, isn't larceny grand
buying and selling, the running of guns
i run from the law but embezzle their funds
anything for money
anything for money
hundreds of thousands without a concern
millions and billions there's money to burn and i want it all
i'll try to sue you and take you to court
and if i have to blackmail and extort
taking the money to fund my research
swindling millions by using the church
anything for money
anything for money
hundreds of thousands without a concern
millions and billions there's money to burn and i want it all

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