Letra y Significado de CHOSEN, Arena

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

Take a leap of faith if you want to find out!
we live amongst you
in the guise of the mortal men
you'll never see us in the crowd
we only look towards
what purpose we've been sent
and wait until the time is now
Take a leap of faith if you want to find out
better hold on tight if you want to know how
take a leap of faith if you want to find out
you have been chosen!
Imagine you can tell us all apart
from prophecy or old wives tales
or from the warnings of a singular birthmark
but these are merely all false trails
Wisdom spat from the whirling chair
shaking the bars when they stop and stare at me
Take a leap of faith if you want to find out
better hold on tight if you want to know how
take a leap of faith if you want to find out
you have been chosen....now!
The faceless followers knelt in prayer
near whited sepulchres and lightly coded software
Freedom of speech - but we have no voice
freedom of spirit - but we have no choice
given no help - to meet these demands
given no help - it's out of our hands
Never turn around never look behind
got to turn the water into wine
Take a leap of faith if you want to find out
better hold on tight if you want to know how
take a leap of faith if you want to find out
you have been chosen....now!

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