Letra y Significado de YOU'RE LYING, Blue System

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

You're lying - baby why are you breaking my heart ?
You're crying - baby you're crying
Baby, when i'm tearing apart
You're lying - baby why are you breaking my heart
You're crying - baby when i'm tearing apart

Yes you said ....
but you know on a night like this i'm sitting here alone
Where all those dreams you promised me, my love
I'm so scared of loneliness
And no one carred about what i'm thinking
But i hear you knockin on my door
And nothing hurts forever
And you said i'm lying
you really think that i'm lying to you

You're lying - baby why are you breaking my heart ?
You're crying - baby you're crying
Baby, when i'm tearing apart
Oh, it's raining - oh, it's raining in my heart
And i'm running back to you
Oh, i'm playing - playing just a dirty part
I'll never make you blue

Yes, you said to me that you're jealous
And that i'm fooling around with other girls
But you know, when a love goes wrong nothing goes right
Every night i'm running around and they scandalised my name
And no one carred about what i'm thinking - no one carred about me
But how many times can we say goodbey - one day it's over
And you said i'm lying - you really think that i'm lying to you
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