Letra y Significado de MYSTERY TRAIN, Bon Jovi

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

There are days when she's a whisper
Nights when she's a scream
A reason to wake up in the morning
To close your eyes and dream
She'll curse you like a sailor
She'll wound you with her eyes
She always makes it better
But she won't apologize
I know everything about her but don't know her at all

She's a ride on a mystery train
To a place you've never been before
Better hold on tight to that mystery train
You're not in Kansas anymore
She's a ride
Mystery train

She cries because she's happy
She sings songs when she's mad
Like a stiff drink when you need it
She's good at being bad
And long before you knew her you knew she was the one

She's a ride on a mystery train
To a place you've never been before
Better hold on tight to that mystery train
You're not in Kansas anymore
She's a ride
Mystery train

I know everything about her but don't know her at all

She's a ride on a mystery train
To a place I've never been before
Better hold on tight to that mystery train
I'm not in Kansas anymore
She's a ride
On a mystery train
She's a ride

On a mystery train
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