Letra y Significado de PINS AND NEEDLES, Chris Juris

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

With pins and needles in his arms
he tries to favour with her charms
pins and needles everywhere
and in....her
soon his arms will be falling off
....and they fall off
and her?....she doesn't even notice
looking happy anyhow
Pants off – wet briefs off
and fuckin' fuckin' fuckin' fuckin'
coming though unarmed
and what comes in her has got to come out again!
Eyes wet – knife up
i sweat – knife up up up up up
Digging his teeth in the handle of a knife
stabbed the knife in the back of her
and fuckin' fuckin' with a knife in the back
while she smiles in extacy
and vomit's what comes out again
vomit's coming out while she dies....
It's only pins and needles
See a smilin' girl die (4x)
With pins and needles in his arms
he tries to favour with her charms
pins and needles everywhere
and in....her
soon his arms will be falling off
....and they fall off
and her?....she doesn't even notice
looking happy anyhow
Pants off – wet briefs off
and fuckin' fuckin' fuckin' fuckin'
coming though unarmed
and what comes in her has got to come out again
I sweat – knife up
eyes wet – knife up
up up up up up....
See a smilin' girl die (4x)
Pins and needles....and pricks (4x)
Fuckin' fuckin' with a knife in her back
while she smiles in extacy
she comes to vomit while she dies
digging his dick right in the vomit
and that made him come – yeah.... (it's only pins and needles)
suddenly one of his arms woke up
reaching out for that gun to blow out his brains....powwww....
I wonder for how long that arm's been awake

chris juris 1989/1991!

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