Letra y Significado de DYING HEART, Devotion

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Why'd you leave me
with a dying heart
my life without you
is gonna be so hard
only pieces of my life remain
missing memories of yesterday
We were so happy,
but now you're gone
and i can't understand it, baby
cloudy days just make me realize that now
i have nothing left to live for tomorrow
Tell me
why'd you leave me
with a dying heart
my life without you is gonna be so hard
only pieces of my life remain
missing memories of yesterday
I don't know what went wrong with all of our dreams
i thought our love was so strong
but that love you took away from me
you just left me that day
you didn't even explain
and now i'm living in pain and agony
Why'd you leave me
with a dying heart
my life without you is going to be so hard
only pieces of my life remain
missing memories of yesterday
I can't love no more
and my heart is so dark
it's like i'm losing touch of all reality
the pain it hurts so deep
that i'm losing all my sleep
thoughts of you never seem to leave my mind
Why'd you leave me
with a dying heart
my life without you is going to be so hard
only pieces of my life remain
missing memories of yesterday
Why'd you leave me
with a dying heart
my life without you is going to be so hard
only pieces of my life remain
missing memories of yesterday

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