Letra y Significado de FACES IN THE WINDOW, Dio

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

Give me - shelter - shelter
i can face the day
then i'll just fade away
give me shelter
give me shelter
Sleep comes - slowly
the fire starts to die
you open up your eyes
Faces in the window
noises in the night
faces in the window
hiding from the light
faces in the window
We are - evil
and we are all divine
creations of the mind
we are pleasure
I see - clearly
who's behind the wall
yes, i can see us all
We're faces in the window
noises in the night
faces in the window
hiding from the light
faces in the window
Give me shelter - shelter - shelter
give me shelter - shelter - shelter
Faces in the window
noices in the night
faces in the window
hiding from the light
Faces in the window
faces in the window
faces in the window
faces in the window
When the fire starts to die
and you open up your eyes
there they are in the window
faces in the window
We are evil and divine
just creations of the mind
and faces in the window
faces in the window
Faces in the window
faces in the window
faces in the window
faces in the window

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