Letra y Significado de THERE, Dolly Parton

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There is a place where the sun's always glowing
take me there - won't you take me there
meadows grow green near the streems gently flowing
take me there - won't you take me there

a city of riches beyond comprhension
take me there - won't you take me there
streets are of gold, gates of pearl, brilliant mansions
take me there - won't you take me there

take me and show me this rare place you speak of
take me there - won't you take me there
to this land of plenty where there is complete love
take me there - won't you take me there

at the foot of the k hrone the kingdom rejoices
take me there - won't you take me there
the angels are singing his prise with their voices
hallelujah, hallelujah take me there

peace, joy and love linger on through the ages
take me there - won't you take me there
lambs lay with lions and lions with babies
take me there - won't you take me there

repeat chorus: (lyric change in last line)
take me there - i can't take you there

but there is a church where they teach all about it
take me there - i will walk with you there
there is a book we must not be without it
take me there - i will read with you there

there is an altar where sins are forgiven
take me there - yes i'll kneel with you there
we'll find there the god of eternal living
take me there - he will take you there

there is no sorrow and no heartache there
there is no crying and no dying there
won't you take me there - won't you take me there
hallelujah won't you take me there

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