Letra y Significado de BETWEEN NOW AND THEN, Element 101

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I wonder why when I was young everyone seemed like they had a smile,
now it seems like it's the opposite and I wonder
I remember lying in my bed, angry that I had to go to sleep,
Now sleep is much too precious to find, makes me wonder why
When waking up feels like a dream, what happened between now & then?
When waking up feels like a dream, what happened between now & then?

*Somewhere between now & then, my world's have turned around;
what happened between now & then? It makes me wonder...
Somewhere between now & then, my world's have turn around;
what happened between now & then?

I always had to find a cure to save me from my life of boredom
And now it's like there's never any time to do anything
Today I tried to make my mind, follow after practicality,
People can conveniently forget that I'm growing up
When growing up seems so unreal, what happened between now & then?
When growing up seems so unreal, what happened between now & then?

*Somewhere between now & then, my world's haev turned around;
what happened between now & then? It makes me wonder...
Somewhere between now & then, my world's have turned around;
what happened between now & then?
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