Letra y Significado de ODE TO PIG-HEART, Exit

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"this song is dedicated to someone very...special. this is a somber tale
about a boy with the heart of a pig. we call this one...ode to pig-heart."

smells like
cow dung
Fat head
bushy brow
(that's) why he
smells o' cows
(not) goin' to
size breasts
He has
no friends
so he
jus' pretends

Pig heart
rat lung
cow breath

friends with
he is
really sad
He likes
miss pugh
and he
loves her too
He wants to
make love to her
('cause it's) fat girls
he prefers
He raves
he rants
we hate you
craig gant

cow breath

Oh yes! we hate you! we hate you!
craig! we hate you!

he has the heart of a pig
he has the lung of a rat
he's friends with mononad
we all think hes really sad
and we all hate him
he's craig gant

We really do hate you craig gant!

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