Letra y Significado de COLD BLACK NIGHT, Gary Moore

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It was a cold black night,
and the rain was falling down.
It was a cold black night,
and the rain was falling down.
It was a cold black night,
the night that my baby left town.

It was the darkest day,
and the wind was howlin' through.
It was the darkest day,
and the wind came howlin' through.
It was the darkest day,
day my baby said we're through.

Oh, come back baby,
never did you no wrong.
Come back baby,
I never did you no wrong.
I've been sleeping in the ground
ever since your love been gone.

It was a cold black night,
and the rain was falling down.
It was a cold black night,
and the rain was falling down.
It was a cold black night,
the night my baby left town.

It was the darkest day,
and the wind came howlin' through.
It was the darkest day,
and the wind came howlin' through.
It was the darkest day,
the day my baby said we're through.

It was a cold black night.
It was a cold black night.
It was a cold black night.
It was a cold black night.

It was a cold black night,
and the rain was falling down.
It was a cold black night,
and the rain was falling down.
It was a cold black night,
the night my baby left this town.

It was a cold black night.
It was a cold black night.
It was a cold black night.
It was a cold black night.
It was a cold black night,
the night my baby left town.

It was a cold black night
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