Letra y Significado de LATE SHOW, Hawk Nelson

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You get me so simply
but my heart wont let me
I wont forget that night i saw her at the movies
she has this way about her, she smiles whenever she walks
i'm tryin find the nerve to finally introudce me
she has this glow about her you'd catch it whenever she talks
Lets go knocking on my window
we can watch the late show
and movies made for cable
and then we'll talk listenin to punk rock
we'll hang out and wait untill the sun comes up
You get me so simply
but my heart wont let me
I wont forget that night i saw her at the movies
she has this way about her, she smiles whenever she walks
i'm tryin find the nerve to finally introudce me
she has this glow about her you'd catch it whenever she talks
Lets go knocking on my window
we can watch the late show
and movies made for cable
and then we'll talk listenin to punk rock
we'll hang out and wait untill the sun comes up

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