Letra y Significado de BORN TO BE A HICK, Kid Rock

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See i was born a little pie-eyed motherfucker
Mamma she left me and my pappa was a hard trucker
Out on the highway we loved to roll
He never made me go to school
I never begged to go
I was a low class livin raised out in the sticks
I was born to be a hick
See i love to spend my days just a squirrel huntin
Go see my cousin ellie may and get some good lovin
Kissin and huggin on some distant lands

People always tell me i'm a twisted man
Jim beam in my hand boones kegged in shit

And i was born to be a hick
Ohhh i was born to be a hick

See i love to spend my days just a squirrel hunter
Go see my cousin ellie may and get some good lovin
Kissin and huggin on some distant lands
People always tell me i'm a twisted man
Jim beam in my hand boones kegged in shit

And i was born to be a hick
See i was born to be a hick man
Yeah i was born to be a hick man
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm a shotgun tokin
I'm a john deere drivin
I'm a hick
Ah har

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