Letra y Significado de SHADOW OF FEAR, Madness

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I walk through camden town in the evening,
Strolling silently and hardly breathing.
Footsteps behind me slightly quicker,
The corner of my eye a shadowy flicker.
I wonder if he's after my soul again tonight.
Stops to whisper with the shadows but still keeps me in his sight.
I shout at passing strangers but they don't seem aware,
Don't want to get involved in my spiritual affair.
Tonight my fears are growing worse and worse.
I feel him brewing up an evil curse.
I sense a chill creep up my spine
I want to scream but only whine
Because i know it can't be true
Mind's gone now legs it's up to you.
I wonder if he's after my soul again tonight.
Stops to whisper in the shadows but still keeps me in his sight.
I shout at passing strangers but they don't seem aware,
Don't want to get involved in my spititual affair
I try to accept him as my partner.
He still makes cold his manic laughter.
But every time i try to turn around he throws my fears
And makes no sound he stirs them to the ground.
Acheing muscles, puff and pant i run.
To stagger home and hide behind my mum.
But even when i'm safely in my bed.
I know that he is waiting in my head.
I wonder if he's after my soul again tonight.
Stops to whisper in the shadows but still keeps me in his sight.
I shout at passing strangers but they don't seem aware,
Don't want to get involved in my spiritual affair.

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