Letra y Significado de DIAMONDS AND POLLEN, Marilyn Manson

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Diamonds and Pollen
America bled to death
Electric and pregnant
Brilliant sluts and fire worship
Devouring the righteous
We were just monkeys braiding thread
We were golden needles
Diamonds and pollen

And Coma White
A manniqueen of depression
The face of the dead star
Fagged out for the corner
She was so soft in the bed
And the pomegranet earth spins into oblivion

The one that trembles
The one that fears
The one that suffers
The one that vomits
The one that needs

The one that trembles
The one that fears
The one that suffers
The one that vomits
The one that needs

A million scars, a million promises
A million scars, a million promises
A million scars, a million promises
A million scars, a million promises
A million scars, a million promises
A million scars, a million promises
A million scars, a million promises

And all your sad endings are planting in their gardens
And they're waiting to grow and to die like flowers do
And all your sad endings are planting in their gardens
And they're waiting to grow and to die like flowers do
And all your sad endings are planting in their gardens
And they're waiting to grow and to die like flowers do
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