Letra y Significado de DUNE BUGGY, Marilyn Manson

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Take it out, take it out, take it out, take it out,
Take it out.
Dog god bites my face.
Rip it out by the roots, rip it out by the roots
From my skull.
Goddamn toilet washes me away.
I am the chocolate cow, chocolate cow
Ask forgiveness and I'll show you how.
Trippin this, trippin this, trippin this, trippin this,
Trippin that.
Smile like a Cheshire cat.
Get it out, get it out, get it out, get it out
Of your skull.
You're just a doll I make sometimes to play.
Take me down now, hole in the ground.
The little girls think that I'm so sweet.
Mocked up and down, heart like a ghost town.
Spirits of the world cower at my feet.
I am the chocolate cow, chocolate cow
Ask forgiveness and I'll show you how.
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