Letra y Significado de SLEEPY HOLLOW, Marilyn Manson

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Came to see him, for,
You only might find.
Gone take my lay,
For you and I will find.
Fronting my face,
I cannot ever find.
Places I care for,
Nothing in my mind.
Bring me not far enough.
All lurking you'll find.
Placing not far,
You're every single mind.
So fine can only,
For you and me will find.
Basis all for me,
Can you leave my mind.
Bracing my fall,
My every single place.
Your love travelled far,
Some laying with my fates.
Place some never far,
You're everything away.
You say I'm a love,
And be mine every way.


Under the sand,
Through the land,
Find all I can,
And form a clan,
That teaches to laugh.
Tears the past.
Laughs at the rest.
Teach the best.
Defeats the rest.
Forms the test,
We passed all the tests
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