Letra y Significado de SUCK FOR YOUR SOLUTION, Marilyn Manson

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

Your mouth is like a suicide
Talkin' like you never died
Automatic charisma
For your chemical mind
I'll suffer for you, I'll suffer for you
You're kissing me like Benzocaine with your sleeping pill eyes
Melting me down and suck suck sucking my brain
I'm gonna hate you tomorrow
Because you make me hate you today
I can be the one that you believe in
I can be the liar in your bed
I'll be the suck for your solution
Tell me that your sex isn't dead, dead
Your sex is dead

I've suffered for you
I've suffered for you
I've suffered for you since the day I was made

I am the center of your hate
I'm gonna be you tomorrow
Because you make me hate you today
I can be the one that you believe in
I can be the liar in your bed
I'll be the suck for your solution
Tell me that your sex isn't dead, dead
Your sex is dead
All so tired
Desexed and jaded
Hopeless and souless and bored of the thrill
We make our death sex symbol
When we can't fuck then we kill, dead

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