Letra y Significado de SYMPATHY FOR THE PARENTS, Marilyn Manson

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

i want to know um...why it is that all of you
seem to have satanic signs all over you
and what is that make...
does this music cause you to do what you do?
is that directed at us or the parents?
that's funny......twiggy
does the music cause us to do what we do?
that's your little tape recorder...ok
we cause the music to do what it does...i think
i think moshing is a sign of what christians would call uh...the
...the apocalypse
...the apocalypse
...the apocalypse
...the apocalypse
...the apocalypse
...the apocalypse

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