Letra y Significado de GREEN ON BLUE, Marlango

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Whisper whilst I´m
Still waiting in front of the door
I wait for you
Whisper your love and just
Pick up the days I drop along

My life is seeping through my hands
And so
My blisters bleed out love
What holds you is not me
And I´ll never close my door

´Cause I want give you every time
What you find
In this mess that I am

Just whisper
Your tiny voice
I know that the stars will shine across your eyes
I want to open you
And find what you´re hiding inside
Just whisper
Just whisper
Just whisper

Just whisper
I know that the stars will shine across your eyes
I want to open you
And find what you´re hiding inside
Find a way to give myself
Find a way to give myself
Find a way to give all my love to you
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