Letra y Significado de I MISS NEW WAVE, Matthew Good Band

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Going to fly to hawaii
get laid in a lawn chair
drown in a bathtub
fill it with cheap beer
i miss new wave
and movies about losing
or just the parts where it's a-okay
see baby i got something right
the world is screaming
i miss new wave
and real intent
gonna drive to la
get laid at the rose bowl
drown in a hot tub, fill it with models
i miss new wave
and hearing the scratches on my long plays
or just the part that sound ok
see baby i got something right
when the world is screaming
i miss new wave
and real intent
gonna die in coquitlam
get laid by a golf course
that i never went to
well it's not a real sport
and i'll miss new wave
and watching you walk away
so go on it's ok
see baby i got something right
see baby i got something right

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