Letra y Significado de BANG THE DOLDRUMS, Patrick Stump

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I run a goodbye now
And lipstick on your arm
When you passed out
I couldn't bring myself to call
Except to call it quits.

Best friends
Ex-friends to the end
Better off as lovers
And not other way around
Racing through the city
Windows down
In the back of
Yellow-checkered cars.

You're wrong
Are we all wrong.

You're wrong
Are we all wrong.

This city says
Come hell or high water
When I'm feeling hot and wet
I can't commit to a thing
Be it heart or hearts beating.

Best friends
Ex-friends to the end
Better off as lovers
And not other way around
Racing through the city
Windows down
In the back of
Yellow-checkered cars.

You're wrong
Are we all wrong.

You're wrong
Are we all wrong.

The kids still terraining
They were half ingraved
They knew it was over
Just didn't know the date
And i cast a spell over
The west
To make you think
I'm me
Say wait I think of you
You sing the love song
In my own way
I believe that the rest is
Below the waist.

Best friends
Ex-friends to the end
Better off as lovers
And not other way around
Racing through the city
Windows down
In the back of
Yellow-checkered cars.

You're wrong
Are we all wrong.

You're wrong
Are we all wrong.

Best friends
Ex-friends to the end
Better off as lovers
And not other way around
Ex-friends to the end
Better off as lovers.
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Significado de Roxanne (1 opinión)