Letra y Significado de GIVE IT ALL, Rise Against

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

Break through the undertoe,
your hands are grasping to fight,
pollution burns my tongue,
the words i can't speak so i stall myself again, then i fall to the surface,
throw my life with them,
then let it out
I give it all,
this is the reason why i sing,
so give it all,
cause its these reasons that belong to me
Rock bottoms where we live,
and still we dig these trenches,
bury ourselves in them,
backs breaking on the tension
For far too long these voices,
muffled by distances,
its time to come to our senses,
and from the dark
We give it all,
this is the reason why i sing,
so give it all,
its these reasons that belong to me
Breathe, the air we give,
the life we live,
our voices raising distances,
so when my tongue,
break into song,
you sieze a competition,
So please believe your eyes,
of sacrifice,
is not what we had in our minds,
i'm coming home tonight, home tonight
We give it all,
this is the reason why i sing,
so give it all,
its these reasons that belong to me
Today i offer all myself through this i'm living for my dying words,
i give it all,
now there's a reason, there's a reason,
to give it all...

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