Letra y Significado de HEART OF STONE, Roxx Gang

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I'm ready for love
and when push comes to shove
i need an answer
so what do you say
I'm gettin' tired of your stallin'
i know you hear me callin'
why do you have
to throw our love away
Come on give it up
let it go
take it to the top
and then go down slow
You gotta heart of stone
You gotta heart of stone
Girl you better show me some love
before i'm gone
You gotta heart of stone
You gotta heart of stone
Girl how tough will you be
when you're on your own
It's time you were learnin'
i got a special yearnin'
you're always turnin' me out
and baby it's gettin' old
I'm a man on fire
burnin' with desire
but your heart of stone
just leaves me cold
Come on give it up
let it go
take it to the top
and then go down slow
You gotta heart of stone
You gotta heart of stone
Girl you better show me some love
before i'm gone
You gotta heart of stone
You gotta heart of stone
Girl how tough will you be
when you're on your own
Girl you better show me some love
before i'm gone
Girl you gotta heart of stone
and it's leavin' me cold
You gotta heart of stone
You gotta heart of stone
You gotta heart of stone

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