Letra y Significado de SKIN AND BONES, Roxx Gang

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Cherry lips and swivel hips
got sex at her finger tips
candy thighs that just don't quit
custom love that's made to fit
Leave me alone
you gotta go home
you're wearin' me down to the skin and bones
skin and bones
Kiss me once kiss me twice
didn't know bein' naughty'd feel so nice
looked at me with lust in her eyes
more than my temperature began to rise
Leave me alone
you gotta go home
you're wearin me down to the skin and bones
skin and bones
Pretty little kitty
you purr so fine
but you're makin' me old
way before my time
Lock the door and try to save
myself from an early grave
spare the rod and spoil the child
all grown up into somethin' wild
Leave me alone
you gotta go home
you're wearin me down to the skin and bones
skin and bones

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