Letra y Significado de LOW BUDGET, The Kinks

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Cheap is small and not to steep
but best of all, cheap is cheap.
circumstance has forced my hand
to be a cut-priced person
in a low-budget land.
times are hard, but we'll all survive.
i just gotta learn to economize.
i'm on a low budget!
i'm on a low budget!
i'm not cheap, you'll understand;
i'm just a cut-price person in low-budget land.
excuse my shoes they don't quite fit:
they're a special offer and they hurt me a bit.
even my trousers are giving me pain
they were reduced in a sale, so i shouldn't complain.
they squeeze me so tight so i can't take no more!
they're a size 28, but i take 34!
i'm on a low budget! what did you say?
yeah, i'm on a low budget! i thought you said that.
i'm on a low budget!
i'm a cut-price person in a low-budget land.
i'm shopping at woolworth and low-discount stores
i'm dropping my standards so that i can buy more.
low budget sure keeps me on my toes.
i count every penny and i watch where it goes.
we're all on our uppers we're all goin' skin.
i used to suck cigars, but now, i suck polo mints.
i'm on a low budget! what did you say?
yeah, i'm on a low budget! i thought you said that.
i'm on a low budget!
i'm a cut-price person in low-budget land
i'm on a low budget!
low budget!
low budget!
art takes time.
time is money.
money's scarce,
and that ain't funny!
millionaires are things of the past.
we're in low-budgetville, where nothing can last.
money's rare there's none to be found,
so don't think that i'm tight if i don't buy a round.
i'm on a low budget! what did you say?
yes, i'm on a low budget! i thought you said that.
i'm on a low budget!
i'm a cut-price person in low-budget land
i'm on a low budget! say it again.
low budget. one more time.
low budget.

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