Letra y Significado de BIRD DOG, The Moffatts

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Johnny is the joker (he's a bird)
a very funny joker (he's a bird)
but when he jokes my honey (he's a dog)
his jokin' ain't so funny (what a dog)
johnny is the joker that's been tryin' to steal my baby (he's a bird dog)
Johnny sings a love song (like a bird)
he sings the sweetest love song (you ever heard)
but when he sings to my gal (what a howl)
to me it's just a wolf dog (on the prowl)
johnny wants to fly away and puppy love my baby (he's a bird dog)
Hey bird dog, get away from my quail
hey bird dog, you're on the wrong trail
bird dog you better leave my lovey dove alone
hey bird dog, get away from my chick
hey bird dog, you better get away quick
bird dog you better find a chicken little of your own
Johnny kissed the teacher (he's a bird)
he tip-toed up to reach her (he's a bird)
well, he's the teachers pet now (he's a dog)
what he wants he can get now (what a dog)
he even made the teacher let him sit next to my baby
Hey bird dog, get away from my quail
hey bird dog, you're on the wrong trail
bird dog you better leave my lovey dove alone
hey bird dog, get away from my chick
hey bird dog, you better get away quick
bird dog you better find a chicken little of your own

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