Letra y Significado de WHEN HE OFFERS HIS HAND, Townes Van Zandt

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By townes van zandt
When he offers his hand
don't you turn him away
he can lead you to light
through the darkest of days
with his love wrapped around you
you can't go astray
when he offers his hand
don't you turn him away

in a world full of sorrow
a world full of hate
you can't wait for tomorrow
'cause tomorrow's to late
come and stand amongst the pilgrims
in their golden array
when he offers his hand
don't you turn him away

i am no simon,
no matthew, no paul
it don't take an apostle
to answer his call
and it don't take a prophet
to stand up and say
when he offers his hand
don't you turn him away

i hope as i'm leavin'
my message is clear
it's a fool that would turn down
a gift that's so dear
when he offers his blood
your depts to repay
now he offers his hand
don't you turn him away

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